
You Will Be Surprised To Know The Health Benefits of Green Tea

Most people start their day with tea. But if we talk about the healthiest option that can replace tea, then the name of green tea comes first. Tea contains antioxidant polyphenols that are beneficial to health. When it comes to health & fitness, green tea has several benefits.

Green tea is made from Camelia Sinensis. The leaves of Camelia Sinensis are used to make other tea like black tea. However, green tea was seen with the greatest influence on human health. Due to the health benefits of green teas, the trend rises around the world. In this article, we will share green tea health benefits.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Good For Oral Health: Green tea is very beneficial for oral health. The consumption of green tea can save from mouth infection. Green tea can prevent cavities by inhibiting plaque. Green tea may act as an anti-plaque agent to prevent the build-up of oral plaque caused by the polyphenols present in it.

Helps in Weight Loss: Obese people are looking for every single way to lose weight and for them, the right choice is to sip a cup of green tea every day. One of the biggest benefits of green tea is that it helps in weight loss. The anti-oxidants present in it increase metabolism and hence helps in weight loss.

Maintains Good Cholesterol Levels: High cholesterol levels in the body are linked to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to reports, Green tea helps in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. 

Good in Diabetes: Another amazing benefit of green tea is that it can help to prevent diabetes. Compounds such as polyphenols and polysaccharides present in green tea may be useful for both types of diabetes, i,e Type I and Type II.

Boost immunity of the Body: Immunity is the only weapon of our body that protects us from viral infections and diseases. Having green tea can also help in improving immunity. It can also help in protecting the body from free radicals.

Reduces Risk of High BP: High BP is becoming a serious problem. It is the root of several diseases. The risk of high BP can be reduced by regular consumption of green tea. Have a cup of green tea every day and reduce the risk of High BP.  

Green Tea For Ageing: The antioxidants available in green tea protect the skin from harmful free radicals. They treat skin diseases by promoting longevity. Also, green tea helps to fight against various signs of ageing.

Good For Skin: Along with health, green tea also has benefits for the skin. Animal studies suggest that consuming green tea extract can reduce the risk of skin tumours caused by harmful ultraviolet rays. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

These are some of the important health benefits of Green tea. Start consuming green tea every day and see the difference. If you like the article don’t forget to share this with your friends and family. 

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